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Articles about Teams
The Accidental Creative
How To Deal With A Crushing Workload
How To Deal With A Crushing Workload

How To Deal With A Crushing Workload

Workloads and expectations are increasing. It’s not a cliché, it’s a fact. It’s the single biggest (confidential) complaint that I hear when spending time with companies. I was speaking at a conference in Florida, and in the short Q&A at the end of my talk a man stood and said “We are doing more with less. We have fewer people than ever, but our project load continues to increase. However, the quality of our work is not allowed to suffer. What should I do?” On this episode, we share some principles for dealing with a crushing workload. What do you do when you're overwhelmed?

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Don’t Apologize For Your Existence
Podcast: Don’t Apologize For Your Existence

Podcast: Don’t Apologize For Your Existence

Have you ever been in a meeting, and introduced an idea, then felt the urge to discount or qualify your idea with "well, that's just my opinion", or "just my 2 cents"? Or, do you find the need to apologize anytime you speak up or offer an insight? Please stop. If you're in the room, you have value to contribute and you shouldn't feel the need to apologize for your existence.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: 3 Ways Leaders Unknowingly Limit Creativity
Podcast: 3 Ways Leaders Unknowingly Limit Creativity

Podcast: 3 Ways Leaders Unknowingly Limit Creativity

There are many things a good leader does to help their team gain focus, stay motivated, and produce great work. However, there are also some very common mistakes that many leaders make that they don’t even know are killing their team’s ability to engage with their work. This is especially true when doing creative work, because it requires tremendous trust and an ability to take risks that could be costly to correct later.

The better you are at setting good rails for your team, the more they will feel freedom to bring their best ideas and work to the table.

Today I discuss a few ways that leaders unknowingly squelch their team’s creativity, and to do about it.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Busting Ruts and Assumptions
Podcast: Busting Ruts and Assumptions

Podcast: Busting Ruts and Assumptions

A key source of this kind of misalignment is assumptive behavior or beliefs that – over time – become organizational ruts. You assume that you and your fellow team members are all on the same page because you’re privy to all of the same information, but how that information is absorbed and interpreted is a very personal thing, and can lead to sharp division if you don’t seek common understanding.