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Articles about podcast
The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Becoming A Prestige Brand (With JP Kuehlwein)
Podcast: Becoming A Prestige Brand (With JP Kuehlwein)

Podcast: Becoming A Prestige Brand (With JP Kuehlwein)

How do the world's greatest brands set themselves apart from the competition, and elicit irrational love from their customers? That's the question that today's guest JP Kuehlwein has been studying for years as he's worked with numerous prestige brands, co-authored Rethinking Prestige Branding, and interviewed great brand leaders via his podcast Ueberbrands. In this episode, he helps all of us consider how we can position our work and stand apart in our competitive space.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: 3 Leadership Skills You Need To Develop Now
Podcast: 3 Leadership Skills You Need To Develop Now

Podcast: 3 Leadership Skills You Need To Develop Now

Whether you lead a team or you aspire to, there are certain skills that you need to learn in order to succeed. However, some of those skills are not so intuitive. Today, I share three specific, though not-so-intuitive skills that everyone should develop whether they lead a team or simply have to collaborate with others.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: How To Be Simply Brilliant (with Bill Taylor)
Podcast: How To Be Simply Brilliant (with Bill Taylor)

Podcast: How To Be Simply Brilliant (with Bill Taylor)

What is it that separates unique, brilliant businesses from their competitors? Today's guest Bill Taylor is the co-fouder of Fast Company magazine, and the author of a brand new book called Simply Brilliant. He tells us how to stop striving to be the best, and to start striving to be the only in our industry.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Get Your Inbox Under Control (with Jocelyn Glei)
Podcast: Get Your Inbox Under Control (with Jocelyn Glei)

Podcast: Get Your Inbox Under Control (with Jocelyn Glei)

If you're like many creative pros, email is the bane of your existence. You have to deal with it, because it's the tool of choice for communicating with clients and co-workers, but it's also easy to get sucked into the swamp and spend a lot of your days just swatting the ping pong ball back over the net. Today's guest, Jocelyn Glei, has just written a book on how to get your email under control. She's here to help you kill email anxiety, avoid distractions, and get real work done with insights from Unsubscribe.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: The Power Of Saying No (So That You Can Say Yes)
Podcast: The Power Of Saying No (So That You Can Say Yes)

Podcast: The Power Of Saying No (So That You Can Say Yes)

If you ever feel overwhelmed with the work and opportunities in your life, you're not alone. The vast majority of people I interact with express that there is simply not enough time and energy to get everything done. However, people are also hesitant to say no to projects and opportunities because they're afraid they'll miss out on something great. The truth is, they're probably missing out on something great because they won't say "no". On today's episode, I discuss four areas where you need to regularly prune so that something better can grow.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: The Value Of A Good Story With Paul Smith
Podcast: The Value Of A Good Story With Paul Smith

Podcast: The Value Of A Good Story With Paul Smith

If you want others to listen to your idea, buy your work, or follow you, you have to learn how to connect with them on an emotional level. The best way to do that is through the power of story. Today's guest, Paul Smith, is an expert in using the power of story and today he shares insights from his new book Sell With A Story.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Two Strategies For Staying Inspired
Podcast: Two Strategies For Staying Inspired

Podcast: Two Strategies For Staying Inspired

Creative work can be isolating. No matter how much you collaborate with others, the bulk of your most important work must still be accomplished alone. However, your relationships are one of the key sources of inspiration, focus, and creative spark. In this episode, I share two tactics from my book The Accidental Creative that will help you leverage your relationships to stay creatively inspired.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Stop Keeping Score
Podcast: Stop Keeping Score

Podcast: Stop Keeping Score

Have you ever felt anxious about your job, but you don’t know why? Everything is going well, or at least according to plan, and there is nothing obvious that should be causing anxiety. Yet, when bedtime rolls around, you struggle to get to sleep, and you have a perpetual sense that you’re falling behind.

Falling behind? Behind what?

On today's episode, I share three ways in which you might be unknowingly keeping "score", and how they can affect your engagement, your collaboration, and your overall drive at work.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: How To Make a Career Pivot with Jenny Blake
Podcast: How To Make a Career Pivot with Jenny Blake

Podcast: How To Make a Career Pivot with Jenny Blake

Maybe you think it's time for a job change. Maybe you're happy with where you are, but you want to make sure you stay sharp and are prepared for the next opportunity when it arises. Whatever your situation, today's interview with Jenny Blake, author of Pivot, will help you gain clarity around what to do every day to be ready for your next move.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Srini Rao on Being Unmistakable
Podcast: Srini Rao on Being Unmistakable

Podcast: Srini Rao on Being Unmistakable

Consider a piece of work that truly stands out from the noise, whether it's a song, a book, or a business. What makes it so remarkable? Today's guest Srini Rao has interviewed hundreds of remarkable people, and he has compiled what he learned into a new book called Unmistakable. He shares how we can avoid the cluttered middle, and chart a course for unique impact with our work.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Kevin Kelly on The Inevitable
Podcast: Kevin Kelly on The Inevitable

Podcast: Kevin Kelly on The Inevitable

Where is technology headed, and how will it affect the everyday lives and work of creative pros over the coming decades? This is a question we all need to ask if we want to continue to stay productive and viable. Today's guest, Kevin Kelly, is one of the world's foremost thinkers on technology and the future, and he shares some of the key technological movements that creative pros need to be aware of with insights from his book The Inevitable.

The Accidental CreativeZZ - Old AC Engage
Podcast: Jordan Harbinger
Podcast: Jordan Harbinger

Podcast: Jordan Harbinger

If you want to succeed in life and work, it's about more than talent and drive. You also need to cultivate the relational skills necessary to get your work into the world and attract allies for your cause. Today's guest Jordan Harbinger is the co-founder of The Art Of Charm and the host of the podcast by the same name. He's going to share with us how we can develop the relational skills necessary to succeed.

The Accidental Creative
Podcast: Alan Siegel On Simplicity In Everything
Podcast: Alan Siegel On Simplicity In Everything

Podcast: Alan Siegel On Simplicity In Everything

Alan Siegel is a legend in the world of branding and design. He is the co-founder of Siegel + Gale, the founder of Siegelvision, and the co-author of the book Simple: Conquering The Crisis Of Complexity. In our conversation, Mr. Siegel shares practical tips for seeking simplicity in your work and cultivating empathy for the people you serve.