I Love It Here (with Clint Pulver)
How to create a workplace that everyone loves.
How to create a workplace that everyone loves.
How to grow a culture of trust.
How to deal with organizational decisions, cultural forces, and other things that live outside of your ability to influence.
On this episode, Ron Tite shares insights from his book Think Do Say about how to bring better alignment between our words and our actions.
What does it take to create a culture in which creative people thrive? On this episode, we chat with Matt Cooper (CEO) and Sabrina Kieffer (COO) of Skillshare about what it takes to attract and retain talent, their personal leadership philosophies, and how they manage their busy work and personal lives as leaders of a fast-growing company.
A culture of blame can erode trust and cause creative teams to do sub-par work. It can easily infiltrate your organization and client interactions and begin to eat away at your ability to produce great work. On this episode we share four signs that a culture of blame is beginning to affect you and your team, and some practical things you can do to prevent it.
There are several myths that exist about highly creative people, and they can seriously affect how teams are led, how client interactions happen, and how we collaborate with one another. If you believe any of these five myths, it can create chronic issues on your team. And, if you are perpetuating any of them, it can seriously curb your effectiveness as a creative pro.
Don't allow invisible narratives to limit your team's engagement.