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AC #138: riCardo Crespo

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riCardo Crespo, (worldwide Creative Director for Mattel/Hot Wheels), shares his insights on branding, storytelling and sustained creating over the long-term.

Todd Henry

Todd Henry

Positioning himself as an “arms dealer for the creative revolution”, Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of five books (The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, Louder Than Words, Herding Tigers, The Motivation Code) which have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership, and passion for work.

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  1. Andre - Newline Creative Group

    This is excellent, thanks Todd for making this available – there are many layers of gems in this interview; much to digest.Ricardo mentioned something interesting; “Know your comfort zone and stay out of it“. As a creative pro, our growth and a long-term healthy creative life depend greatly on developing disciplines. And, typically disciplines require us to step out of our comfort zones; scheduling time to create, scheduling time to take in stimuli, etc.
    Most of the time, the things we put off until later and procrastinate on, are the things that need our immediate attention and will yield the greatest fruit.

  2. Allen Dellinger

    Excellent interview!
    I know riCardo personally as we have worked on a many creative projects together and I have to say that a brief interview does not do him justice. He is an amazing individual with a great story and experience to boot. It is always a geat experience to rub shoulders with those who get it!!
    Great job riCardo….

  3. cindee

    Wow – I’ve just discovered this site while I was searching for more stuff from riCardo. I’ve experienced riCardo twice at the In-HOWse Designer conferences – in DC and Denver and have decided he is my new ROCK STAR. What an amazing leadership style – authentic, wise, talented, and such a big personality. I want him for a boss!

    • Todd Henry

      riCardo is a TOTAL rock star. We’re going to be doing another interview very soon (next few weeks). Stay tuned.

  4. Jesse Maitland

    I really enjoyed his interview…. I feel like RiCardo could seriously hurt my brain!  Does anybody know if he has a website, blog or any educational resources? Articles or something?  I really enjoyed his process and want to learn more.  

    • Todd Henry

      Agreed – riCardo is brilliant! No website or articles that I’m aware of, though he is a part of our Collective and we will hopefully be launching more of those kinds of resources soon.

    • Todd Henry

      Agreed – riCardo is brilliant! No website or articles that I’m aware of, though he is a part of our Collective and we will hopefully be launching more of those kinds of resources soon.

    • Todd Henry

      Agreed – riCardo is brilliant! No website or articles that I’m aware of, though he is a part of our Collective and we will hopefully be launching more of those kinds of resources soon.

  5. Diarmuid Mac Cormack

    I have just been to a small workshop with Ricardo in San Diego and he is truely an amazing creative and a great guy to boot. Thank you for sharing this interview Todd.


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