AC Podcast: The Leader
There are four key leadership mistakes that can mess with a creative team's mojo. Are you making them?
There are four key leadership mistakes that can mess with a creative team's mojo. Are you making them?
Dr. Keith Sawyer shares insights from his new book Zig Zag: The Surprising Path To Greater Creativity, and his advice for how to grow your creative capacity.
Something is only really an opportunity if you're poised to take advantage of it. Today we discuss what a coyote and Billy Joel have to do with your future.
Have you considered how legacy systems and ideas might be inhibiting your creative process and ultimately your effectiveness?
In this informal conversation, riCardo Crespo shares his thoughts about how to avoid your comfort zone so that you can do your best work.
There's a fine line between engaging in your work with confidence and engaging in your work with an inflated ego.
Is "follow your passion" really the best career advice? Cal Newport doesn't think so, and in this episode he explains why.
In this interview, we discuss how creatives can have greater impact through their work, and how to stay fresh and engaged while serving your clients or audience.
Question: Are you making your art, or are you settling for less that you're capable of?
Do you know where your most vulnerable spots are? They're usually in the places of high uncertainty, and high value.
Are you trying to take off in a jumbo jet on a runway intended for a single propeller plane?
When you spend your time, focus, and energy you spend your very self. Have you considered what is worth spending yourself on today?
Austin Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative. In this interview we discuss stealing vs. borrowing, hobbies, and the power of subtraction. We discuss stealing, hobbies, and the power of subtraction.
Are you trying to squeeze too much creativity out of too few raw materials? You may be creatively inverted.
Are there lies or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your best work?
Why passion isn't always the best metric for determining if you're in your "sweet spot".
A discussion about the importance of story in the creative process.
Do what you're qualified to do, and stop doing the things that only waste your focus, time and energy.
If you create work that matters to you, Michael shows how to get the word out about it.
Insights from The $100 Startup on how to turn an idea into a sustainable business.