Articles about The Accidental Creative
The Accidental Creative
Know Your Values + Aaron Dignan on Brave New Work
Know Your Values + Aaron Dignan on Brave New Work

Know Your Values + Aaron Dignan on Brave New Work

Do you have a matrix for important decisions in your life? How do you decide which path is correct when you're being pulled in multiple directions? On the first part of this episode, I share some insights from Herding Tigers to help you establish your core decision-making matrix.

Then, Aaron Dignan joins us to talk about his new book Brave New Work. He lays out a framework for re-imagining how organizations function in the accelerating and ever-changing marketplace.

The Accidental Creative
How To Receive Negative (and Unfair) Feedback
How To Receive Negative (and Unfair) Feedback

How To Receive Negative (and Unfair) Feedback

How do you handle feedback? We need other people in our lives to tell us the truth. If we immediately get defensive when they tell us something we don’t like, we will lose key allies in our journey of growth. If you manage a team, your trigger happy ways will eventually destroy the culture of your team. On this episode, we share a few strategies for dealing with feedback in a healthy way.

The Accidental Creative
10 Things Creatives Wish Their Manager Knew
10 Things Creatives Wish Their Manager Knew

10 Things Creatives Wish Their Manager Knew

It is a reality that managers and creatives often speak different languages. Each has a different set of responsibilities and perspectives they are bringing to a project, and often the collision of these forces is enough to create massive waves within the organization. With that in mind, here is a list of statements that could begin to spark dialogue between organizational leaders and creatives.