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Articles about Todd Henry
Daily Creative Podcast
Your Ethic
Your Ethic

Your Ethic

Do you have a defining ethic, or a set of words that describes how you go about making decisions, and that is the filter for the value you bring to the table each day? On this episode, you'll hear about mine and how to develop your own. [iframe style="border:none"...

The Accidental Creative
Four Ways To Stoke Curiosity
Four Ways To Stoke Curiosity

Four Ways To Stoke Curiosity

I (strongly) agree that the future belongs to the curious, but would add that so does the present. Curious people are able to parse experience and recognize Reality behind reality; what’s truly going on in patterns and systems. They are able to ask great questions, and are willing to trade them in for better ones when they’re not satisfied with the answers. So with that in mind, how can we stay poised, leaning forward, and in a state of productive curiosity? On this episode, we explore four ways.

The Accidental Creative
The Power of Magic and Story (with Harris III)
The Power of Magic and Story (with Harris III)

The Power of Magic and Story (with Harris III)

Why does story have such a powerful hold on us? How do the stories we believe influence the way we behave each day? Perhaps more importantly, how do we leverage the power of story to get our work into the world in a more meaningful way? These are the questions I discuss with Harris III. He's a performing magician, and also the driving force behind STORY, an organization that helps people tell better stories and change the world.

The Accidental Creative
Three Weekend Rituals That Will Refresh Your Creativity
Three Weekend Rituals That Will Refresh Your Creativity

Three Weekend Rituals That Will Refresh Your Creativity

Weekends are not only a great time to rest, but also to recreate (as in “re-create” yourself, and to regain your focus and enthusiasm for your life and work.) By instilling a few simple checkpoints, or rituals, in your weekend, you can spark your creative juices and ensure that you’re clear-headed and focused heading into your next week.

The Accidental Creative
Back To Human (with Dan Schawbel)
Back To Human (with Dan Schawbel)

Back To Human (with Dan Schawbel)

Even though we are deeply connected by technology, it's hard to argue that we are in some sense "alone, together." This is especially true in many workplaces, where expectatations are rising, and familiarity is high but empathy and deep connection can be scarce. On today's show, Dan Schawbel shares insights into how to create deeper connection in an age of isolation with principles from his book Back To Human.

The Accidental Creative
Disrupting Yourself Before You’re Disrupted (with Mike McDerment)
Disrupting Yourself Before You’re Disrupted (with Mike McDerment)

Disrupting Yourself Before You’re Disrupted (with Mike McDerment)

In 2015, a strange new competitor appeared to challenge cloud accounting software company Freshbooks' dominance in their space. The new company, called Billspring, had a fresh look and feel, and seemed poised to pose a serious threat to Freshbooks. However, all was not quite as it seemed. On this episode, CEO and Founder Mike McDerment shares the story of how an unlikely competitor completely re-invented the face of the company.