Everything Great Once Was Not
It's easy to allow "expecation escalation" to rob you of your best work. Are you comparing your in-process work with the absolute best thing that you've ever seen or experienced? [iframe style="border:none"...
It's easy to allow "expecation escalation" to rob you of your best work. Are you comparing your in-process work with the absolute best thing that you've ever seen or experienced? [iframe style="border:none"...
What are the common attributes of disruptors and changemakers?
When you're learning a new craft or developing in your career, sometimes the best thing you can do is to simply "get your reps in". On this episode, I explain what that means and how to do it. [iframe style="border:none"...
How do you know when it's time to make the entrepreneurial leap? On this episode, I share a metaphor that helped me make my own decision to strike out a decade ago, and one that I still share with budding entrepreneurs. [iframe style="border:none"...
Do you have a framework for making decisions?
There are three kinds of work that we need to do in order to produce brilliant results. When we compromise one or more of them, we can begin to spin out. On this episode, I describe each of them and what happens when we neglect them. [iframe style="border:none"...
Who is in your collective? This is a group of people who helps you stay inspired, synced to what matters, and on-course. Do you have a group that you meet with routinely to help you stay in creative shape? [iframe style="border:none"...
Make the decision in a way that everyone can be onboard with.
Creative paralysis, or “block”, is often the result of inattention in a few key areas.
What do you do every day? Because what you do every day will define the course of your life and career much more than what you do every so often. [iframe style="border:none"...
The best way to stay creatively viable is to learn to empathize, and to draw from the inspiration of others. [iframe style="border:none"...
The weight of all of your incomplete projects and partial ideas can weigh heavily on you if you're not careful. On this episode, we discuss a few strategies for dealing with that weight.
Do you have hunting trails in your life? They are valuable for helping you generate new ideas more consistently, especially under pressure. [iframe style="border:none"...
Do you have a place in your life where you can retreat? Where you do your best thinking and your "life's work"? We all need a sacred space. [iframe style="border:none"...
What do you do when you're actually working? When you're producing the value you're uniquely capable of producing? You have to protect that - it's the "main thing". [iframe style="border:none"...
If you want ideas when they matter most, you need to practice generating them when it doesn't matter at all. Today, I share how with some advice from James Altucher. [iframe style="border:none"...
On this episode, I share a nesting set of goals that will help you accomplish those projects that seem overwhelming at the outset. [iframe style="border:none"...
Don't allow confusion about these terms to cause creative spinout.