Win At Work, Succeed At Life (with Megan Hyatt Miller)
How to thrive in all areas of your life, not just at work.
How to thrive in all areas of your life, not just at work.
Weekends are not only a great time to rest, but also to recreate (as in "re-create" yourself, and to regain your focus and enthusiasm for your life and work.) By instilling a few simple checkpoints, or rituals, in your weekend, you can spark your creative juices and ensure that you're clear-headed and focused heading into your next week
At times, it can feel like life and work is one long string of projects and tasks. You have your eyes fixed forward, and you're thinking about the next thing you're going to do, the next hill you're going to climb, or the next project you're accountable for delivering. However, when your work is just one long series of things to do, you have no rhythm. There's no seasonality. On today's show, I discuss the value of building moments of reflection and celebration into your work.
Yes, hustle is important. However, it's possible to hustle so much that you become decreasingly effective. In today's episode, I share the value of strategic slacking and how to use the "breakout principle" to have breakthroughs and generate better ideas for your work and life.
Don’t rob yourself, and stop trying to will yourself to do better. Instead, recognize that small actions of focus and discipline today is the best way to love your future self. Make investments today so that you can reap a return tomorrow.
Do you have a set of practices that keep you steady and on-course? For years I've had a small group of daily activities that have helped me pursue my long-term goals, and today I'll share them with you and tell you how you can incorporate the same ideas into your own life and work.
It's important to adapt your rhythms to the season you are in rather than expecting circumstances to conform to your systems. To perform at your best, you must structure your weekly activity by design, not default.
There are three common places where you might get stuck when doing challenging creative work. Here's how to identify each, and some tools for re-gaining traction.
Simply changing your circumstances or your productivity system might inject a measure of energy into your work and give you a boost for a short while, but that increase in output will be short-lived if you aren’t committed to an outcome.
This time of year, many of us have a bit of downtime as work slows. Here are a few ways to convert that downtime into an investment in brilliance.
Brilliant work isn't just about the moment of creation, it's also about the moments when you choose to step back and plan, strategize, and account for your portfolio of work.
Are you obeying the natural seasons and rhythms, or are you operating like a machine and living in perpetual harvest mode?
Balance is often a result of mindset, which leads to enhanced focus.
How to build platforms today that help you pounce on opportunities tomorrow.
If we want to be able to "create-on-demand" we need to connect with our creative abilities in times of "unnecessary creating."
I've got rhythm...I've got music...I've got...umm...what's the other thing?