3 Questions To Ask Right Now
Finding possibilities that are right in front of you.
Finding possibilities that are right in front of you.
Those who ask the best questions ultimately win. There are some questions that are obvious. These are the ones that directly affect our work and its outcomes. Then, there are questions that hover just beneath the surface of our work, and rarely get asked. On this episode, we share three questions that you're probably not asking, but definitely should be.
As a creative pro, it's your job to advocate for your client, your company, or your audience. That means refusing to settle for less than the best, and pushing until you get the results that you're striving for. On this episode, Jordan Harbinger, host of the Jordan Harbinger Show, shares his thoughts about how to ask questions that get quickly to the heart of the matter and how to be an advocate for the people you serve.
In many ways, the quality of your work is defined by the questions you ask. Those who ask the best questions ultimately get closest to the heart of the situation, and in many cases ultimately win. However, you are also defined by the questions that you choose to avoid. If you run away from important questions because they're uncomfortable to address, then you might compromise your body of work and never fully achieve your potential.
Peter Block is a man who wears many hats. He is an internationally coveted speaker, a consultant to the biggest corporations in the world, and a best-selling author. Lately he's also been making a name for himself as a citizen by facilitating conversations within...