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AC #149: Manifesto

by | Podcasts

ManifestoCall it a line in the sand. In this podcast, we discuss the basic principles that will guide the AC community moving forward. What does it look like to be brilliant, prolific and healthy? Listen in.

Todd Henry

Todd Henry

Positioning himself as an “arms dealer for the creative revolution”, Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of five books (The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, Louder Than Words, Herding Tigers, The Motivation Code) which have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership, and passion for work.

Be prolific, brilliant, and healthy.

Accidental Creative helps creative pros do the best work of their lives. Our workshopstools, and podcasts will help you have better ideas, collaborate seamlessly, and thrive under pressure.


Since 2005 we've served up weekly podcast episodes to help you stay prolific, brilliant, and healthy. Follow the show in your favorite app:


  1. Wayne

    My calling is not by design artistic (I’m a numbers guy, currently I’m studying for the CPA exam) but what I am hearing from you really resonates with me. I think creativity applies to everything, not just art, creativity applies to problem solving, to be a good problem solver you have to be creative, be willing to think outside the box (realize that there is no box and there never really was a box..the box was created by someone else to set the boundaries of what THEY knew) . Any way I’m with ya.

  2. John Hosentfeld

    YES! I am with to the lovely end my friend. It takes a lot of creativity to be a nurse manager and deal with the day to day needs of customers and staff in a busy ER not to mention administration who want more and more and better and better. I think the world could use much more creative energy. Keep fighting the good fight and we will be with you to support and light the fire across the world.


  3. Patrick Smith

    Very good food for thought in this podcast. Listened on the way to work today. Subsequently made notes in my journal for 3 different growth areas for me to explore.

    I have chosen one of them to pursue for the next week and see where it takes me.


  1. The Accidental Creative Manifesto | Carl Jagt - [...] Visit this page at [...]

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