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The Safety Matrix

The Safety Matrix

There's something that's been eating at me lately and I'm trying to work my way to the bottom of it. There's a lot of buzz within organizations that perceive themselves as creative-friendly about fostering a "safe environment" for ideas to flourish. I agree, and...

Finding A Mentor

Finding A Mentor

  A few years ago my friend Kevin decided to get a few guy-friends from undergrad and B-school together for a weekend getaway on a farm in Lexington, KY. The idea was to get some younger, bright business people together with some more experienced mentors for...

When You Don’t Care

When You Don’t Care

Inevitably, there will be some projects in your create-on-demand role that you will be - let’s just say - “less than passionate” about. In fact, there will be some things you’re required to do that seem downright ridiculous and generally like a waste of time. How...

How Much Noise Is In Your Life?

How Much Noise Is In Your Life?

In sound recording there is something known as the "noise floor". This is the amount of constant ambient noise in the recording environment or that results as a function of the method of recording. The goal for any recording engineer is to maximize the amount of signal recorded in comparison to the amount of noise. The more noise is present, the more difficult it is to discern the signal, or the subject of the recording [...]

Permanent Solutions To Temporary Problems
Permanent Solutions To Temporary Problems

Permanent Solutions To Temporary Problems

It can be very uncomfortable for us when there are open loops, or problems inhibiting productivity. We grow so uncomfortable, in fact, that we often will do nearly anything to resolve the dissonance these problems introduce, which usually means inventing some new system or developing a process to deal with them. But not all problems are equal. Some problems are temporary in nature, and we're ultimately left with the permanent systems even after the problem is long gone.

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

In a podcast interview with Kristian Andersen (to be released on Monday) he said something that caught me off-guard and caused me to think about my day-to-day work. The gist of his comment was that we need to decide what what we want to be known for, and then get working on it. In other words, we need to make sure that our daily activities line up with where we want to be headed.

Meeting Creep

Meeting Creep

I was having a chat the other day with a peer about the struggles we each have with "meeting creep". This is a medically diagnosable condition with the primary symptom being the inexplicable expansion of meetings into every crevice and corner of your schedule.

On Becoming A Linchpin

On Becoming A Linchpin

We're very excited about our recent interview with Seth Godin about his book Linchpin [amazon link]. There are few people who consistently bring the kind of energy and insight that Seth routinely delivers as a matter of course. I think that this book is destined to be considered one of his best, and it was a privilege to hear his perspective on it on the podcast.

Closing Doors

Closing Doors

I don’t like to say “no.” I think it’s partly because I tend to gravitate toward possibility rather than pragmatics. But that tendency to always look for new solutions has at times significantly hamstrung my creative process and has, in the past, seriously affected...