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Take a deeper dive.

AC workshops are designed to help your team develop systems and practices that lead to everyday brilliance. We'll work with you to help your team unleash its best work.


Let’s discuss options and see if it’s a fit for your company.

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Take a deeper dive.

AC workshops are designed to help your team develop systems and practices that lead to everyday brilliance. We'll work with you to help your team unleash its best work.


Let’s discuss options and see if it’s a fit for your company.


We’re obsessed with action, not theory.

We know that what you do matters more than what you know. That’s why our workshops are designed to challenge your team to act immediately on what they learn.

Each of the interactive workshops listed below provide your team members with an action plan for unleashing their best work. Participants will leave understanding exactly how to implement a set of practices that make them more effective each day, help them collaborate better, and unleash their best ideas.

Workshops Topics:

Herding Tigers Workshop

Offered as: 1 or 2 day session

Doing the work and leading the work are very different things. When you make the transition from maker to manager, you give ownership of projects to your team even though you could do them yourself better and faster. You’re juggling expectations from your manager, who wants consistent, predictable output from an inherently unpredictable creative process. And you’re managing the pushback from your team of brilliant, headstrong, and possibly overqualified creatives.

Leading talented, creative people requires a unique skill set and mind set. In the Herding Tigers Workshop, we address the key things that separate brilliant leaders from average ones, and the critical things that every creative person needs from their organization in order to thrive.

For full details, visit

Prolific, Brilliant, & Healthy Culture (based on The Accidental Creative)

Offered as: 1/2 day or full-day interactive session

Is it possible for teams to produce consistently great work sustainably? This workshop is designed to provide strategies and practices that counteract common organizational pitfalls and help your team unleash its potential.


  • Understand the dynamics of creative work, the most common pitfalls, and how they affect teams
  • Learn to identify and eliminate the assassins of creativity
  • Discover specific, everyday practices that lead to long-term effectiveness
  • Understand the pillars of effective collaboration and creative leadership

Participants will walk away with a personal action plan.

Building An Idea Culture

Offered as: 1/2 day or full-day session

It’s not enough to just create “on-demand” anymore. In today’s marketplace, teams need to build a culture that values ideas and is designed to generate them quickly, consistently and effectively. This workshop utilizes a pragmatic, hands-on approach to teach your team how to generate ideas when you need them most, and to help you implement repeatable systems that put the value of ideas at the heart of your organization.


  • Simple strategies for exploring all aspects of creative problems
  • Learn to use frames and horizons to think strategically about opportunities
  • See how to discover stimulus that inspires new and exciting ideas
  • Understand how to build systems and rhythms that lead to continual ideation
  • Learn how to stay out of organizational ruts

Participants will receive a handful of tools (such as the Personal Idea Pad) to help them generate valuable ideas.

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1 + 3 =

How is it different from a keynote?

Workshops are half to full-day sessions designed for a deeper dive and a more collaborative approach. Participants will receive custom workbooks and materials, and will leave the session with an action plan to help them be prolific, brilliant, and healthy in their life and work.

“Todd was a runaway hit at our conference. He captivated the room – you could hear a pin drop as he spoke. If you have a chance to book Todd for your event, do it! You won’t be disappointed.”

Meghan Shannon

Spredfast Summit

“Feedback has been extraordinary! In fact, to quote one of our guests, ‘Todd’s presentation was both mind blowing and life changing!’ Wow!”

Gerri Brownstein

Publisher, Package Design Magazine

“Todd is an excellent speaker. His speech was tailored on theme, well paced, full of information, inspiration and practical application. I’d recommend Todd to anyone considering him.”

Daniel Sheil
