If you want the important work to get done, and done well, then you need to schedule time for it. Don’t let your frantic schedule disrupt your rhythm. Dedicate time to what matters most and do work you’ll be proud of in ten years. (Inspired by the work of [amazon_link id=”1455509124″ target=”_blank” ]Cal Newport[/amazon_link].)
Why Your Team Needs You To Be Precise
Why Your Team Needs You To Be Precise
If you want your team to do bold, creative work, you must take the first risk by giving them clear, precise direction. Here are a few ways to do so.
I did this today and it made all the difference. Important to maintain times that are completely uninterrupted. The first 10min or so felt a little disjointed, but when I locked in on one subject the ideas really began to flow. Good advice here…
Unrelated, but would you share the name of the song/artist you’re using to close out the show? I love it!