7 Word Bio

by | Motivation

I’ve been trying to find a way to allow AC community members to introduce themselves to one-another without the typical, “Hi, I’m Bob, I live in Manhattan, I like puppies and rural lightning strikes…”, etc. I came up with the idea of the “7 Word Bio.” (I realize that this may not be entirely original, I don’t know.) Anyway, I’d encourage all of us to engage in this. I think this is a good exercise on a few fronts:

1. It helps us all gain clarity to what we’re REALLY trying to do rather than just giving the factual scoop.
2. It helps us communicate to others what we’re passionate about (process) rather than just fixating on the end result (product).

So, here’s my 7 Word Bio:
“An arms dealer for the creative revolution.”

What is yours? (Rough drafts are fine…)

Photo credit: Lightlady

Todd Henry

Todd Henry

Positioning himself as an “arms dealer for the creative revolution”, Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of five books (The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, Louder Than Words, Herding Tigers, The Motivation Code) which have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership, and passion for work.

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  1. John

    That reminds me of ecademy. Their site asks you to describe yourself in a sequence of keywords, though a lot more than seven. It’s a sobering exercise. So is your seven-word bio.

  2. Sean

    I build relationships, solve problems & have fun

  3. Doug

    I divide my time between supporting philanthropic projects and herding the cats that create the income to support the aforementioned projects. Oddly, in both cases the “bio” is the same:
    “Turning your terrain into a usable map.”
    One that I thought of, that just sounds correct in an AC kind of way: “Being authentic to purpose.”

  4. Jeff

    “Inspiring connections to heritage values through new media”
    I know, I know, that’s eight words, but I’ve been using it for a year now.

  5. Todd Henry

    That’s cool, Jeff. Just prepare to trim one out when we launch the new site. :)

  6. Dallon

    Helping others build strong, growing businesses.

  7. Sheila Finkelstein

    I was on a call, the start of 42 days of Passionate Presence (see http://www.beingbootcamp.com) The question of bios on the NING discussion page in the networking group set up and I mentioned just having read this post.  I was invited to post on the forums there.  I gave this link, a few of the bios posted here and continued –
    Great first call.  Per my comment, the 7 Word Bio was introduced by Todd on his blog, THE ACCIDENTAL CREATIVE – http://accidental.wpengine.com/random-thoughts/7-word-bioOne he is considering is:“Freeing myself and others to be brilliant.”  (I absolutely love yours, Todd)”Others in comments include:and I listed those in the comments above.  I went on to say:
    OK.  Them’s theirs – I’ll play with the first:Wait -I’m getting stuck hereCounting words not syllablesHaiku in the wayOK… just start typing and they’ll show up as words on a page, not syllables on my fingers!For me, Sheila, 7 word bio, in the works:”Inspiring worlds making a difference through photography””Expanding vision discovering yourself photography as access”
    Thanks for this great opportunity to expand/shrink (in words) thinking.

  8. Slipstream

    I spent a good couple days on my off time during Christmas trying to hammer mine out. Great topic, Todd. I fleshed it out on the plane last night. So far I’ve settled on:
    To excel still more in bold pursuit.*
    *Subject to change/vary.

  9. Eric

    Always dreaming of how to add value.

  10. Sandy McMullen

    “Applying self knowledge tools to unleash creativity” – wowee – that was my 20 second attempt – ENFP’s like me are not known for their brevity when it come to what matters most to us. I will now go and ponder attempt #2 – something with sizzle.

  11. Teresa Duffy

    Observing society and letting society observe herself. 

  12. Jan Delmas

    How hard is this? I like word challenges with the best of them and this one has seen me wandering around muttering to myself like a mad-woman whilst I try and distill my 7 word bio. No more! For now it’s ‘facilitating creative thinking to achieve outstanding results

  13. Sandra

    My seven-word bio:  I help clients solve problems creatively.

  14. Misty

    Collaborative communicator committed to creating remarkable results

  15. Jan Delmas

    Updated bio – helping businesses overcome challenges and deliver results
    or maybe it should be helping businesses meet challenges and deliver results (thinking aloud as I write)

  16. Grady Meston

    Love the idea of the 7 word bio:
    Bringing insight, creativity and intelligence to everything.

  17. CASUDI

    My seven word bio just poured out and then I spent a week adjusting one word.
    A great ‘ clarrifying ‘ challenge for everyone so here is mine –
    Building Bridges between People while Designing Success

  18. Michael Buckingham

    I’m changing the way the church does church.
    And no that’s not 8 words…it’s actually 6 but I have utilized 2 words twice…brilliant, I know.

  19. Tim

    Leading others with excellence by leading myself.

  20. lawrence abrahamson

    Wandering borders between space, art and experience

  21. Frank Keppler

    Disappointing thousands through coffee-driven wearable humor!

  22. Donna McGovern

    ANEW life, We help make it happen

  23. Joel Ripka

    Holistic development for the working actor

  24. riC

    always ask what if; then apply progress

  25. Ollie

    Slowly making the world a better place

  26. Norman Ramsey

    How about 7 words or less?  My 6-word bio: “Making the grace of Jesus unavoidable”

  27. jonny

    here’s mine
    “avoiding failure by failing at false success”

  28. Marie Kazalia

    I admit to spending little time on my 7 word bio:
    international poetics in painterly mixed media

    Is this exercise for all member? or just site administrators? I enjoyed writing a 7 word bio and will probably write more of them in future. My real Bio line for publication begins:
    …lives and works from a remote location …
    I like that one too as my 7 words

  29. Tina

    ‘a wandering generalist but aspiring magnificent specialist’ cheers Seth 

  30. birdandflower

    I love this idea. Here is what i do in 7 words:
    Creating joyfully, designs using love and laughter.

  31. Todd Henry

    I am loving these bios, all. Thanks for playing.

  32. robin

    Funny crazy artistic inspirational woman with pizazz

  33. Mel Hogan

    Educating myself and others through engaging design

  34. Matthew LaFleur

    “Constant drawing in the pursuit of laughter.”

    “Making millions of people happy.” Stolen from Kermit the Frog, “The Muppet Movie,” but I am always thinking about it.

    • Tony Moore

      I’m Tony and I make stuff stink

  35. Mark CE

    My 7-word bio: Save Your Kleros Save The World catalyst.

  36. Jennafer Dudley

    “Express beauty to realize world harmony.”

  37. Eric Heinzman

    I explore the connections across many domains.

  38. Alfredo Correa

    Great exorcise…
    – I enjoy painting memories with light.
    – Capture the moment, enjoy it for life
    – Time flies, so I freeze it

  39. Bill Meyer

    GREAT idea! Currently working on updating the resume/book. This is an amazing exercise. The first cut… “Passionately focused to inspire excellence through creativity.”

  40. JOhn Waugh

    Definitely struggled to squeeze it into seven words….”Find me where technology, community and education collide.”

  41. jimkastkeat

    I’m a student ministry pastor who highly values creativity, so this was a unique challenge for me. I came up with three seven word bios (whose forces combined make one super 21 word bio!). Enjoy:

    “Helping students discover their identity, belonging, + mission.”

    “Collaborating for the restoration of all things.”

    “Collaborating to capture ideas + connect the dots.”

  42. Mary Wiseman

    The Tooth Fairy Journal site is under construction…..

    However, my 7 words:
    “Creating traditions and memories from everyday experiences.”

  43. Lane Byrum

    okay … here’s my first shot at this …

    Finding the story – whether known or hidden.

    That’s all I’ve got tonight. I’ll work on it some more at a later date.

  44. MWeller

    A better way just around the corner

  45. Ron Eckberg

    This is not really so much a Bio as it is a missions statement; “Living life with grace, purpose, and passion!”

  46. Scott LA

    Imaginatively blending structural elements into the land.

  47. Terrah Kocher

    I surprisingly came up with a few and love the fact that I was forced to keep it simple and short. Terrah Kocher

    7 word bio(s)

    Eagerly Learning, Teaching and Growing in Everything.

    Lighting the world through creativity and passion.

    (affirmation, credence, passion, eagerness, anticipation, hope)

  48. Joshua Johnson

    Actualizing ideas through creative innovation and execution

  49. stephenie hamen

    Always thriving in gratitude, creativity, and change…

  50. Danny

    Hey Todd, thanks for speaking at WEMUP last week. Took me a bit but here are my 7 word bios

    The gateway to outdoor experiences for families

    Refresh lives by producing juicy spiritual fruit.

  51. Sharon Handy

    Seven? Luxurious! When my firm decided to figure out what our mission was, we kept it to three. As designers of science centers and children’s museums, we wanted something that reflected what we do for both our clients and their end-users–the visitors who come to those museums and, we hope, leave inspired about something they didn’t know they loved.

    “We make enthusiasts.”

    • Matt

      Love it Sharon! Reminds me of the Antoine De Saint-Exupery quote: “A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

  52. Justin Page

    “Get to the creative CHOPPA!”

  53. Blaine Hogan

    I’m Blaine, I make things about hope.

  54. neal

    Creatively solving problems for others/my benefit

  55. Todd Sebastian

    Todd, I love the newer iteration of your 7-word bio.

    Here’s mine:

    Marriage counselor for agencies and their clients.

  56. Noble Bowman

    “Creatively influencing non-profit communities with cultural insights.” This is my rough draft. I work with CultureWaves a division of Noble World Communications. We are part of a “large shop” ad agency and do behavioral studies that allow us to go deeper then surveys and focus groups and bring real-time evidence to customers allowing them to “Be First Faster!”

  57. Ron Eckberg

    I already chimed in with once before, but I’ve been chewing on this challenge continually. The latest edition; “Empowering and inspiring others to urgent living”

  58. Dustin Geddis

    Attempting the difficult while obtaining the impossible.

  59. justin

    i know i am late to this, but i quite much enjoy this question and have approached it before. with no further adieu:

    “a wounded healer and generous thief, amen?”

  60. Saire

    Creative Mind/Body/Spirit Tweaker/Teacher & Humorist

    (I’m a nurse)

  61. Chris Caddell

    7 Word Bio:

    Needs Bleed, Feed With Speed, My Creed.

  62. Chris Caddell

    7 Word Bio:

    “Needs Bleed, Feed With Speed, My Creed”

  63. Debbie Porter

    Overcomer of obstacles illuminating joy and creativity!




    Here are 3 choices that are related.

    “Father- into your hands I commend myself”

    ” My Jesus, I abandon myself to you”

    “Give me the grace to die in your love”

  66. kylie

    …embrace life capture it with visual storytelling.

  67. Angi

    Selfless creative leader engaged in your success.

  68. Cre8ed2Cre8

    “bringing color to an otherwise gray world”

  69. Kelli L. Kozak

    Writing in a trailer with three dogs.

    No, I don’t put ink on their paws!


  70. Sarah Kathleen Peck

    “I am a visual and verbal storyteller.” or: “I tell stories with pictures and words.”

    I like simplicity. We can assume that you get results, that you are outstanding, that you are the best. Most adjectives are filler words, anyways. What I prefer knowing is what you “do,” as cleanly and simply as possible. :: my two cents ::

  71. Wes Roberts

    Alive olde man creatively mentoring the future.

  72. Edgar A Uy

    Creating my own success by helping others.

  73. San mcpeake

    I just finished your book and being in a family business for 20+ years I am working to create my own “niche” and your book does help to sort out my guilt and brain matter to FOCUS. Thank you!

    “Expressing my minds eye through images/books.”
    sandra mcpeake

  74. Kary

    Putting good books in kids’ hands everyday.

  75. Susan

    Matchmaking people with careers, houses, friends, and information

  76. Karen

    Passionately making a difference in my community

  77. Kate

    Have fun, do great things, create impact.

  78. DJ Peter Rabbit

    “Making music for he dance floor’s flow”

  79. Geoff Bowman

    leader of artists telling gripping transcendent stories

  80. Katie soleil wayne

    Five children after diagnosed infertility… chaotic joy.

  81. Susan

    I love your book video.  What program did you use to make this?

  82. Pam Spettel

    Was never young. Won’t be old. Timeless.

  83. J.R. Briggs

    There are two words in Greek for time: chronos (quantitative minutes) and kairos (qualitative moments). I started Kairos Partnerships as a way to connect with leaders and pastors when they are in the cusp of significant transition or seasons of growth. 

    My seven: Partnering with leaders in ‘kairos’ life moments.
    J.R. Briggs
    Kairos Partnerships

  84. Cindy

    I empower artists to live their calling.

  85. Denise

    I promote learning and encourage others’ creativity

  86. Mei

    What if it’s less than 7 words?

  87. Mei

    I coordinate community to sustain creative culture. (7 words!)

  88. Mei

    Much mo’ better:

    A human ecologist of independent community culture.

  89. asenath horton

    Saucy Launcher, Inspiring Irresistibly & Insane Growth

    This is fab, Todd!

  90. Camille Smith

    1. a possibility promoter implementing insights and change 2. a velvet hammer voice for your commitments 3. a disruptor of normal, promoter of possibility 4. turning potential into results for everyone’s benefit

  91. Matthew Brown, Ph. D.

    Painstaking workplace democracy driven by dynamic reporting

  92. Yolanda Columbus

    Building bridges by shattering policies that marginalize

  93. Rob

    Make hope tangible so people will thrive! a2zhope.com

  94. Rick

    My 7 words: Helping leaders tackle wicked problems &
    social complexity

  95. Katrina Starkweather

    With me, your great ideas become reality.

  96. JosueT

    Serving a call to empower and equip.

  97. Diane Gibbs

    A creative, offensive lineman helping brands advance.

  98. David

    Develop outer beauty to reveal inner magic

  99. Laura Corene

    A creator of amazing life long memories

  100. Brea E

    Color in a black and white image.

  101. Chris Shumate

    Writer of meaningful, Biblical children’s stories.

    I’m listening to the audio book currently, and am going to buy the actual book to go back and highlight many of the nuggets I heard in the audio version.

  102. Mandy Looney

    I make hearts smile with great storytelling.

  103. Rebecca Anne Skeels

    Provide a toolkit for the creative practitioner


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